[Alpine-info] O365 XOAUTH2 via fetchmail

Carl Edquist gatetman at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 05:37:13 PDT 2022

On Thu, 21 Apr 2022, Sewell, David R (drs2n) wrote:

> I hadn't been paying close enough attention to the list to realize that

> I could now get Alpine to work with my university's Exchange server. So

> I followed the instructions, got the token for Microsoft, successfully

> authenticated—and hit a window saying "Administrator approval required"

> with a form for me to submit a justification for allowing Alpine to

> access my account. So I guess someone somewhere in my university's IT

> division might or might be getting a request and might or might not do

> anything about it. Just when the technical hurdle is solved, a

> social/political hurdle crops up.


> I'll file a help desk ticket in a few days if I don't hear anything and

> maybe let the list know how it goes—in particular, if the request is

> denied and what the reasoning might be in that case.

If they give you trouble, perhaps you can get a "doctor's note" from the


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