[Alpine-info] more than one signiture?

Lucio Chiappetti lucio at lambrate.inaf.it
Thu Oct 19 12:57:27 PDT 2023

On Wed, 18 Oct 2023, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> However, for professional reasons, I wish to create more than one, with

> alpine asking me to choose which I wish to use, or if I want to sign at

> all.

It is possible to do that in many ways (maybe not fully automated).

- one is to create one or more Roles. Each role can have its own
signature. A role can be invoked explicitly when composing, or a
role can be triggered automatically by a pattern like the address
of a sender (for instance I have a role as moderator of as particular
mailing list)

M S R R enters the role definition. For instance the above moderator
role has

To pattern = list address
Set Signature = ~/.sig/moderator.signatur

- another silly way is to change the signature file outside of alpine
BTW my .pinerc contains the following set up for signatures (do M S C,
scan each keyowrd and look at the individual kwd help ... one learns
a lot from that !)

Signature File = .signature
[X] Enable Sigdashes
[X] Signature at Bottom
[X] Strip From Sigdashes on Reply
Signature Foreground Color = 174,174,174
Signature Background Color = transparent

So my signature(s) is/are in external file(s). The default one is in

Every so an often I re-point this file to one of the many signatures
in my ~/.sig directory

- it would be possible by a script or crontab to change the signature
file randomly or any other way (do you want a Sunday signature
different from weekday one ?). Perhaps I tried something like that
long ago but abandoned

- an extension of that could be to define alternate .pinerc with
a different signature each, and have shell aliases to invoke
alpine with alternate .pinerc on the command string

- finally the simplest way to load manually one of the many signatures
is simply the following. Which I use often.

At any time before you send, you scan your messages for the sigdashes
(in my case the signature is automatically inserted at bottom after
the sigdashes), delete what follows the sigdashes (do not delete
the blank space on the sigdashes line), then press control-r and
give the path of the alternate signature (just done it with
.sig/schiller.signatur, one of many, serious or funny, in English
or Italian or other :-)

or you can just delete sigdashes and all what follows, I also do
that sometimes.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Against stupidity the gods
Goetter selbst vergebens. themselves contend in vain
(F.Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, III, 6 & I.Asimov)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html

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