[Alpine-info] ALPINE: [O365] Email Setup: Seems to be difficult

Brian S. Baker [VIA BBUS] brian at buddy-baker.us
Fri Mar 22 17:24:45 PDT 2024

I just wanted to post to the list to ask if there is any way to make it easier to set up alpine using office365 Email. When I follow the instructions
from: https://alpineapp.email/alpine/alpine-info/misc/SettingXOAUTH2Outlook.html I end up getting either an error, and I have to go to azure and mess around with codes and tokens, or I get a login screen that says to login, and it gives me a place to sign in and when I do I get the screen that tells me that I will be giving alpine permission to do [insert permissions that it says here] and I click OK.

Then it tells me that alpine is logged in, and I can close the browser. when I return to Alpine, I get the indication that I have a collection for Office 365 email, but when I go to "INBOX" there is NOTHING there. (Just a BLACK Screen, and it appears I am connected to my inbox, but can't see any mail in it.)

Can someone Please tell me how to set this up so that it will work. I get the impression that Office 365 and Gmail believe that Alpine is apparently Unsafe, and gmail has blocked it, but in all my years of using PINE (3.89, 3.90, 3.91, 3.95, 3.96, and then Alpine 2.0, 2.23, 2.24) I have NEVER found it so difficult to set up IMAP Mail from either host.

I have over 30 years of experience doing stuff on the internet, and providing computer tech support, helping those that need help with setup, and maintenance of PC's. From 1993-2007, and from 2007-2018, I was a user and volunteer at Tallahassee Freenet, and used PINE for years: I was also a member of our Questions and Problems Aliases, and wrote helpfiles for our system. I messed around with PINE, and was asked to write a helpfile for PINE, and that is how I became a member of TFN's Staff, and in 2007, was managing webpages for the site. I now own buddy hyphen baker DOT com, DOT us, DOT ORG, DOT info as well as bbus.info - All because I had a dream that one day I would OWN my own domains, and my own server, inspired by my work with Tallahassee Freenet!

I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but with all the POWER that you have in your hand, ALPINE, like its Sisters PICO and PINE have really come a long way, and it would be a SHAME if I could NOT use PINE from my shell: I do not run mail servers on my Linux machine, but I could do what I wanted to (accessing the mailservers through IMAP and ALPINE, before Microsoft was chosen by Godaddy to take care of the email for us.

Can anyone assist me with this: It seems that people may think PINE and ALPINE are older technology, and they don't support anyone running their own machines. It would be NICE to be able to login to my terminal and command "alpine" and be able to see my email on my linux server.


XOAUTH2 Configuration<https://alpineapp.email/alpine/alpine-info/misc/SettingXOAUTH2Outlook.html>
Information about XOAUTH2 configuration


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brian at buddy-baker.us | root at buddy-baker.us

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