[Tweeters] Eyebrowed Thrush (Not) Memory

Carol Riddell cariddellwa at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 12:40:23 PDT 2022

I recall sometime during the 00s some good birders reported a possible/probable Eyebrowed Thrush at the Point No Point marsh. It was most likely on Tweeters. I was there just doing usual late fall birding at PNP. When I arrived, Ruth Sullivan came stomping out of the marsh, spitting her proverbial nails. She and Patrick had been planning to bird east of the mountains, but when the report was posted, they couldn’t help themselves. They detoured to PNP to see if they could find the thrush. They found nothing but robins, thus Ruth spitting nails. It was difficult at the time to keep from laughing. Ruth could be such a character. But many of us know too well the birding virus that sets us out upon rare bird chases. It’s always worth checking out when the report comes from credible birders, as it had in that case.

Just a reminiscence,

Carol RIddell
Edmonds, WA

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