[Tweeters] Osprey Catches Flounder...

Tom Benedict benedict.t at comcast.net
Fri Oct 14 12:22:46 PDT 2022

A couple of Saturdays ago, while doing the PSSS at Dash Point State Park, we noticed a pair of Ospreys hunting over the shallows just offshore. We finished the survey, then decided to wait a bit in hopes that they might make a dive and catch something. We were paid off in less than 10 minutes as one of the raptors dove deep and pulled out a medium sized Flounder. It took awhile to gain altitude after surfacing.

That its prey was a fish that normally stays on the bottom was surprising. I know that Osprey are the only raptors which completely submerge but this seemed a little extreme. I’ve researched this behavior a bit and find that it is documented, even underwater filmed, so it’s not uncommon for them to catch bottom dwelling fish. It’s possible that the water depth at Dash Point SP was just 2-3 feet I guess. I can’t imagine that the bird could go much deeper than that. Anyhow, it was a spectacular display.

Tom Benedict
Seahurst, WA

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