[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2022-09-01

Michael Hobbs birdmarymoor at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 15:49:27 PDT 2022

One of the quietest days ever. LONG stretches of walking without even
hearing a chickadee or Song Sparrow. Completely empty skies.

Highlights (this will be short):

- Greater Yellowlegs - one called 2-3 times while flying high and
heading south
- Western Screech-Owl - Matt heard one while all was still dark
- Hairy Woodpecker - one far west of the slough south of the Dog Area,
but we managed to get miniscule looks
- Warbling Vireo - one with chickadees near East Footbridge
- Chestnut-backed Chickadee - notably many
- Brown-headed Cowbird - one juvenile on Fields 7-8-9
- Yellow Warbler - I glimpsed one, south end of the Dog Meadow
- Western Tanager - one calling from along the main road at 6:30 a.m.

I was also at the park yesterday afternoon in the heat. Strangely, it was
birdier yesterday than this morning. Birds seen yesterday but not today
WARBLER, and our First of Fall (*FOF*) LINCOLN'S SPARROW.

Beside the swift, flycatcher, and Black-throated Gray, other misses today
included Glaucous-winged Gull (though we did have two very distant gulls on
the lake), Green Heron, Cooper's Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Barn Owl, Barn
Swallow, Brown Creeper, Savannah Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird,
Orange-crowned Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, and Black-headed Grosbeak.
That's a LOT of missed species; birds seen this week of the year in at
least half of the years I've been doing the survey.

For the day, we managed 45 species plus the gulls.

= Michael Hobbs
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
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