[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2023-04-27

Matt Bartels mattxyz at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 27 18:09:43 PDT 2023

Hi Tweets -
Brian & I led another round of Thursday birding at Marymoor Park. For I think the first time this year…. we had a thursday with sun and warm weather! Spring for real. It was mighty pleasant, and there was lots of singing among the birds.


Virginia Rail - after hearing them a bit, part of the crew stuck around and got looks at a baby Rail poking around- nice!
Belted Kingfisher - first in several weeks, as they seem to mostly be further up the river/slough at nest burrows this time of year.
Swainson’s Thrush - First of Season (FOS) - I heard several whitting predawn, and as a group later we were pleasantly surprised to get looks at 2 different Swainson’s poking around. They are getting back!
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - while we totally missed them last week, they were thick this week, with many singing away in the sun.
Evening Grosbeak - FOS - a flock flew over , frustratingly not seen but heard well
Bullock’s Oriole - FOS - seen by some of the group, apparantly male
Orange-crowned Warbler - 2-3 heard singing, but no views this week
Wilson’s Warbler - FOS - 1 singing loudly.
mystery sparrow - the east meadow east trail group got brief looks at a sparrow that looked possible for a Clay-colored or Brewer’s - unfortunately, it disappeared before more could be settled on the id


Cackling Goose, Killdeer, Double-crested Cormorant, accipiters, falcons. In addition this is about the best week at the park for Hammond’s Flycatcher, & Nashville Warbler in the park, and we dipper there

For the day, we had 64 species - and a lot of fun in the weather

Matt Bartels
Seattle, WA

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