[Tweeters] Franklin's Gulls at Cedar River Delta

Odette B. James o.b.james at verizon.net
Sat Aug 19 16:26:35 PDT 2023

Two Franklin's Gulls here today. Spotted shortly after 4pm. They were not
together. One was standing in very shallow water near a log, and as I
scanned farther out along the line of gulls, another Franklin's flew past,
stopping briefly on a log but then continuing on up the east side of the
lake. Neither bird is an adult - the departing gull had a black band on its
tail and the remaining gull has a blotchy rather than uniformly colored
mantle. Both are very small and have dark hoods and eye rings. There also
is an adult Short-billed Gull among the gulls, most of which appear to be
Californias. And about 20 lounging Caspian Terns, all apparently adults,
with the gulls.

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