[Tweeters] Franklin's Gulls, Cedar River delta

Odette B. James o.b.james at verizon.net
Sat Aug 26 19:27:58 PDT 2023

I live in a retirement community on the shore of Lake Washington, a short
distance west of the mouth of the Cedar River. Lately I have been checking
the delta area several times a day with a scope from my balcony. Today
(Saturday) there were two Franklin's Gulls there at 10:15 am, but at 1 pm
there were very few gulls and no Franklin's. I checked again at 4:45 pm.
There were again two Franklin's, but they were disturbed by a woman and a
dog walking on the sandbar. By 5:10 pm, the interlopers were gone and one
Franklin's had returned. There was one at 6 pm, and at 6:30 and 7 pm both
were there again. The birds seem to favor the large sandbar and the area
inside, to the south, of the curve of the sandbar. Did not see much in the
way of shorebirds - some Least Sandpipers several times during the day, a
few slightly larger and whiter peep that probably were Westerns, and a
Killdeer early on. But I am far enough away that ID of the smaller
shorebirds is difficult.

Good birding

Odette James

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