[Tweeters] Crows flying during the fourth quarter of the Seahawks game last night, well after dark

Dan Reiff dan.owl.reiff at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 11:06:53 PST 2023

During the great Seahawks game last night, I was surprised to see several crows flying above the field And within the stadium during the latter part of the game.
It’s the first time I’ve seen crows being active well after dark.
I was watching the game on TV and at one point, there was a three second video shot-by a drone above the stadium-of the field. The crows were flying from the left to the right within the stadium.
Not sure if they are Seahawks fans, or if a group has learned to be active later than usual in the daylight-like stadium, to take advantage of large quantities of dropped, very expensive, high calorie foods.
Dan Reiff
Sent from my iPhone

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