[Tweeters] What did Robins do before ...

jimbetz at jimbetz.com jimbetz at jimbetz.com
Thu Jul 20 16:38:27 PDT 2023

Hi all,

First - thanks for the many replies! Appreciated.

What I was saying - sort of "side wise" - is that I find it interesting
that we consider the robin to be a yard bird and that the frequency of
seeing them is so heavily weighted to grassy areas. Not necessarily the
groomed lawns of the suburban home - often in what would be termed
pasture land - but primarily in our yards and in populated areas where
yards are common.
Yes, I also see robins in other areas but not usually in any great
numbers nor so predictable.

I guess it boils down to habitat, habitat, habitat. If there is
something to eat the birds will find it.

I did find it interesting to learn that earthworms, one of the primary
foods for robins, only came to North America with the European 'invasion'.
You learn something every day (if you are lucky/curious).

I consider the Spotted Towhee to be 'a close cousin' to the robin.
Many of the same behaviors and locations.
- Jim

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