[Tweeters] Book recommendation--slightly off topic

byers345 at comcast.net byers345 at comcast.net
Wed May 10 17:24:07 PDT 2023

Hi Tweeters,

I recently finished a book that I found quite charming: A
Most Remarkable Creature: The Hidden Life ande Epic Journey of the World's
Smartest Birds of Prey by Jonathan Meiburg. The birds in question are
caracaras. It starts and ends with the Striated Caracara, which I imagine
most of us have not seen. But along with talking about caracaras, Meiburg
also discusses people who have been interested in caracaras over the years,
like Charles Darwin, William Henry Hudson, an Argentinian-American, who
lived much of his life in England, many people who have done research on
caracaras, etc. He also mentions the Crested Caracara that appeared in
Washington State a few years back. One of my favorite parts of the book was
a detailed description of a long trip Meiburg took up the Rewa River in
Guyana to see Red-throated and Black Caracaras.

So my apologies if Ian Paulsen has already reviewed this book.
I enjoyed it and you might too! Charlotte Byers, Edmonds

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