[Tweeters] birds in winter

Dennis Paulson dennispaulson at comcast.net
Mon Jan 15 10:36:42 PST 2024

Speaking of bird behavior in winter, I keep seeing new examples.

We put mixed seeds on the ledge of the window in my office, where I look out at the back yard full of feeders while working. I’ve been amazed to see both Townsend’s and (Audubon’s) Yellow-rumped Warblers feeding on SEEDS on the ledge, have actually watched them swallow them.

I had never considered warblers as seed-eaters, but under these conditions, these two species do so, probably another behavioral attribute that allows them to winter this far north and survive the weather.

It will be interesting to see if the Black-and-white Warbler at Green Lake can do so by finding enough insects in those trees.

Another thing. We put out warmed hummingbird feeders while it is still dark, and we put on lights that light up the yard. As we watched, one Varied Thrush after another came into the lighted area and began feeding on millet, picking up seed after seed and swallowing it. Some chased others fiercely, but I was really surprised at a rough-and-tumble fight between two of them, clutching each other and rolling on the ground with wings outspread and fluttering. That was serious stuff, and then they both flew off.

But I’m sure they returned quickly, as at one point I was able to count 10 Varied Thrushes on the ground, reminiscent of last winter when I counted 17 at once feeding on the snow. They were coming and going, and there could well have been more than 10. Also interesting that a robin or two came in and spent half of their time feeding on cotoneaster fruits, the other half chasing the thrushes.

There have never been so many birds in the yard, and I really think they arrive from the surrounding area and then stay because of the food available. I don’t think any of our neighbors have feeders out, so we’re the only game in town right here.

Dennis Paulson

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