[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2025-02-13
Michael Hobbs via Tweeters
tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Feb 13 15:56:02 PST 2025
Tweets - Strange Marymoor walk today. It was really cold and dry (29
degrees to start, but felt colder), sometimes breezy, never really sunny,
and mostly birdless. We also had no access to much of the slough, as the
entire slough trail through the Dog Area was closed for maintenance. It
was also just Matt and I, as many of the usuals are birding far away in
warmer climes.
Despite the difficult slough access, we managed to do okay with
waterbirds. It was all of the rest of the avian world that was almost
entirely absent until around 10 a.m., at which point we started to find
some things. The Rowing Club turned out to be, by far, the best location
of the day.
Trumpeter Swan - Three, seen distantly and briefly from the Lake
Platform; never seen before during Week 7
Scaup sp. - One female kept herself hidden along the slough edge; thus
we still have no identified Scaup since October
Bushtit - FINALLY - a small flock in the Big Cottonwood Forest - First
of Year (FOY)
Cedar Waxwing - 18 at the Rowing Club; seen only about 8% of February
visits. (FOY)
Pine Siskin - Only barely heard about 4 times
Yellow-rumped Warbler - One on the ice at the Lake Platform
>From the Lake Platform to the Viewing Mound, we had essentially no birds at
all. There was a pair of RED-TAILED HAWKS sitting close to each other east
of the meadow, and maybe one Song Sparrow along the way. But it hadn't
been much better along the boardwalk, nor thought the Dog Area.
Misses today included Ring-necked Duck, Virginia Rail, American Coot,
Short-billed Gull, Ring-billed Gull, European Starling (first miss ever for
Week 7), and Purple Finch.
Picking up five species at the Rowing Club definitely helped our day total,
which by the end hit a semi-respectable 51 species (including scaup sp.)
With two FOY birds, we're up to 74 species for 2025.
= Michael Hobbs
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
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