[Tweeters] JBLM Eagles Pride Golf Course Monthly Birdwalk - Thursday, February 20 - 9:00AM Start

Denis DeSilvis via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun Feb 16 17:52:02 PST 2025

Hi Tweeters,

The Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM) Eagles Pride Golf Course (GC) birdwalk is scheduled for Thursday, February 20. The JBLM Eagles Pride GC birders meet the third Thursday of every month. We meet at 9:00AM<outlook-data-detector://2> through February 2025. (Change to 8:00AM in March.)

Starting point is the Driving Range building, Eagle's Pride Golf Course, I-5 Exit 116, Mounts Road Exit. When you turn into the course entrance, take an immediate left onto the road to the driving range - that's where we meet. Also, to remind folks that haven't been here before, you don't need any ID to attend these birdwalks. Hope you're able to make it!

Current weather forecast is 42-54degF and cloudy, but no rain forecasted thus far. However, ya'll know that can change at any time - dress for success!

May all your birds be identified,

Denis DeSilvis
Avnacrs 4 birds at outlook dot com

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