[Tweeters] Low risk of bird flu to wild song birds

GENE BULLOCK via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Feb 19 18:56:30 PST 2025

Here is a link to an article entitled Avian influenza: Should you take down your feeders? on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (allaboutbirds.org) website:


There has been widespread transmission of avian flu to wild bird species including waterfowl and raptors. However, there have been relatively few documented cases of HPAI in songbirds https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/avian-influenza-outbreak-should-you-take-down-your-bird-feeders/#species-list and other typical feeder visitors to date, although this may change with increased testing or changes to the virus. That means there is currently a low risk of an outbreak among wild songbirds, and no official recommendation https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Should-bird-feeders-be-taken-down-to-prevent-the-spread-of-diseases-such-as-bird-flu to take down feeders unless you also keep domestic poultry, according to the National Wildlife Disease Program. We do always recommend that you clean bird feeders and birdbaths regularly https://feederwatch.org/learn/feeding-birds/safe-feeding-environment/?__hstc=75100365.58a86efae10d6191919354d7046cd34c.1732410250228.1739311531293.1739994462121.7&__hssc=75100365.1.1739994462121&__hsfp=741388166 as a way to keep many kinds of diseases at bay.
Gene Bullock, Kitsap Audubon Society

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