[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2025-02-20
Michael Hobbs via Tweeters
tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Feb 20 13:40:30 PST 2025
Tweets - Today felt so different from last week, and it felt like a real
beginning to Spring. Birds were singing, and not just a few; many songs
from many species. The weather wasn't too bad either, with temps in the
mid-40's and come-and-go overcast. It was a touch breezy at times, but
nothing too bad at all.
Greater White-fronted Goose - Seven at the weir
Anna's Hummingbird - Some singing, though no display flights noted
Great Blue Heron - 35+ birds seen at the heronry
Bald Eagle - My best estimate was 5 adults
Black-capped Chickadee - quite a bit of singing
Brown Creeper - Heard one song
Pacific Wren - Spontaneous song from two birds
Bewick's Wren - Many singing
American Robin - A few songs, and many birds total
Cedar Waxwing - Seven near the Dog Area portapotties
House Finch - One song
Dark-eyed Junco - Many, many singing
Song Sparrow - Many singing
Spotted Towhee - At least two heard singing
Red-winged Blackbird - Quite a few Okalee songs
We had a large, mixed flock of gulls that never landed where we could see
them. Short-billed Gull calls were heard, and I believe that's what most
of them were. There were also a couple of GWGUs. A Ring-billed Gull
showed up during my late scan of the lake. Most years, all of these gulls
have been easy to view every week; this winter, they aren't always spending
time in the park, causing us to "miss" normally regular species.
That late scan of the lake also turned up two HORNED GREBE, and in the
trees at the NW corner of the lake at least two RED-CROSSBILLS, First of
Year (FOY).
Misses today included Virginia Rail, American Coot (1st miss for Week 8
ever), Cooper's Hawk, and Marsh Wren (may have heard, but couldn't confirm
because of too many singing Bewick's).
For the day, 55 species. With the addition of RED CROSSBILL, we're at 75
species for 2025.
= Michael Hobbs
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
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