[Tweeters] Band-tailed Pigeons and Eurasian-collared Doves

Tom Benedict via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Feb 24 13:46:15 PST 2025

Don’t know whether these are FOY, but we’ve got seven BTPI perched near the top of their Western Red Cedar overlooking Puget Sound right now. They are among my favorite local birds. So handsome.

Tom Benedict
Seahurst, WA

> On Feb 23, 2025, at 23:59, Hans-Joachim Feddern via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


> Today I had a pair of Band-tailed Pigeons visit my feeders. Previously, on February 16th, I had a single Band-tailed Pigeon in my yard. This was a First-Of-Year sighting. I used to have these pigeons year round, even though years ago I would have 20 or more. Nowadays I only get 6 to 10.

> I have seen a lot of reports of Band-taileds spring appearances, while I had them all winter, not this winter!

> Another question I have is the lack of Eurasian-collared Doves. I have yet to see one this year. After we were being invaded over the last few\years, you used to find them almost anywhere. Now they seem to be gone and I do not think that they started migrating! Has anybody else seen any in Western Washington lately?


> Good Birding!


> Hans

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