[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2025-01-30

Michael Hobbs via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 30 16:20:05 PST 2025

Tweets - Like last week, we had a frosty start and no wind, but today with
no warming sunshine. It was a dull, cold, gray morning both in weather and
more metaphorically. The ducks and shorebirds below the weir provided the
most excitement of the day. After that, the most notable thing was the
long list of birds we weren't seeing.

Northern Pintail - At least one drake this morning; Pintail have been
seen on less than 1/5th of our winter surveys
Green-winged Teal - Nearly 50 birds below the weir, including our
drake "Eurasian" type, same as last week
Common Goldeneye - Quite a few today, after missing them the last two
Killdeer - Four or five below the weir
Wilson's Snipe - Like last week, possibly into double-digits below the
Hairy Woodpecker - 2024 was a great year for HAWO, making an
appearance on 40 surveys. Today, we had our 4th out of the 5 surveys of
Northern Shrike - East side of the East Meadow, but pretty much the
only bird in the entire meadow area
Varied Thrush - One at the Rowing Club near the pond, First of Year

Before we got to the mansion, we'd had fewer than 5 AMERICAN ROBINS, but
there were quite a few near the park office and mansion, along with almost
all of the DARK-EYED JUNCOS of the day. Nearby, we also heard a very few
calls from PINE SISKIN, which were especially notable since we had NO OTHER
FINCHES. Sparrow numbers were way below usual today as well, though we did
manage to find the most usual six species. No owls today, neither pre-dawn
nor day-roosting.

Misses were plenty, including Hooded Merganser, American Coot (the first
time we've *ever* missed them during Week 5), Short-billed Gull,
Ring-billed Gull, Cooper's Hawk, Bushtit, and House Finch.

For the day, we just managed 50 species detected, with just one new for the
year (vs. 59 and 7 respectively last week). Of last week's 7 new species,
only Wood Duck and Northern Pintail were repeated today.

It wasn't rainy or windy, so we had a good walk unspoiled by birds.

= Michael Hobbs
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
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