[Tweeters] Yakima Training Center Fieldtrip April 5th

Scott Downes via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 3 16:13:12 PST 2025

Yakima Valley Audubon is hosting a morning fieldtrip on the Yakima Training Center, near Selah on April 5th. We will target the shrubsteppe obligates with Greater Sage-grouse possible, depends on how this years numbers are looking. We will meet predawn and be done before lunch. We have a few slots still available. The trip is free, but the military will need a few pieces of info from participants. If you would like to sign up, please contact me by Wednesday and I’ll get the required info that YTC needs from each participant.

Scott Downes
Downess at charter.net
Yakima Wa

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