[Tweeters] 4/26 Ilwaco Pelagic

Lin Stern via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Mar 5 14:37:20 PST 2025

Hello Birders!

I wanted to share that Oregon Pelagic Tours has arranged a pelagic to go out of Ilwaco on Saturday, April 26. Pacific County is one that doesn't see a lot of pelagics, so it's a rare opportunity to meet birders from other places and bump up your county list if you are into that.
With it being spring, this is a good chance to see some birds in spring migration, like Arctic Terns, Sabine’s Gulls, phalaropes, and jaegers in addition to the shearwaters and Black-footed Albatrosses.
More info can be found on OPT's website. To register, email Tim Shelmerdine at the email provided on the website.
Hope to see you there!!

Merry migration,
Lin "Caspian" Stern
Olympia, WA
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