[Tweeters] Near washout on Umptanum Road--makes birding difficult!

William Byers via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Mar 6 16:15:48 PST 2025

Hello Tweeters,

Yesterday Bill and I had intended to drive from Ellensburg on
Umptanum Road to a location past the trailhead to Umptanum Creek and Falls.
Even at the outset, the road wasn't in great condition, but as we started
down the grade to where the trailhead parking is lot none of the culverts
seemed to be working well and more and more water was running across the
road and eating it away. Finally we reached a place where the road was
almost all eaten away and the creek (water from snow melt mostly) was all
running across the road. We drive a Highlander, but decided against trying
to cross. You could probably still do it in a jeep. Since many of you like
to bird this area, I thought I'd mention it. You can apparently still get
in from the Yakima side.

Charlotte Byers, Edmonds

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