[Tweeters] Costa Rica

HAL MICHAEL via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Mar 6 17:35:03 PST 2025

We are leaving for CR next Wednesday. Among other places, Rancho Naturalista and Savegre Mountain lodge are set up.;

I don't believe that the various lodges offer transportation from the airport but am not sure.PM me for an independent guide.

But,for our trips we use Costa Rica Expeditions (CRE). Their intake forms are very complete as to where you want to go, what you want to see, what accommodations you wish from camping to five-star. They also provide transportation.; When we plan, I not only look on e-bird to make a desired list but then let CRE know what I am looking for. They are very familiar with what is seen where and at what time. They are also very good letting you know if the regular weather precludes driving there, for example. In our experience, most of the lodges have guides but there are also local guides for off-grounds experiences.

CR is kinda like Africa, once is not enough.

Pura vida.

Hal Michael
Board of Directors,Ecologists Without Borders (http://ecowb.org/)
Olympia WA
360-791-7702 (C)
ucd880 at comcast.net

> On 03/06/2025 2:26 PM PST Candace C. Plant via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:



> Hi All,

> Planning a trip to Costa Rica in November.

> Need suggestions on were to stay that has good birdwatching. Also a place that has a guide for the day.

> I assume resorts provide paid transportation from airport and back.

> First time to Costa Rica.

> Thanks,

> Candy Plant

> Sent from my iPhone

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