[Tweeters] White Headed Woodpecker Research Study: Skagit Audubon Program

Ann Kramer via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri Mar 7 17:01:41 PST 2025

Wildlife Biologist Jeff Kozma will be presenting what he has learned in
over 20 years of researching the White-headed Woodpecker and other
cavity-nesting birds.
In Washington, the White-headed Woodpecker is listed as a species of
concern due to its association with old-growth ponderosa pine forests.
Although White-headed
Woodpeckers have recently been documented inhabiting early to mid-seral
managed forests, information is limited regarding their reproductive
success and general ecology in these forests.

Jeff will present brief highlights from his research including nest-site
characteristics, reproductive success, and nestling provisioning (i.e., who
feeds the kids and what they are feeding them). He will also
present a summary of findings from a long-term banding study he has been
conducting since 2011 investigating adult longevity and information on
juvenile dispersal from a colleague’s research. If you
ever wanted to know more about the White-headed Woodpecker, this
presentation is for you!

Presentation is this Tuesday evening, March 11, 2025 @ 7:00 PM. It is free
to the public and it is a Zoom only meeting. You can register on the home
page at www.skagitaudubon.org, Follow the link.

You can also register on the newsletter page. The link is here:


Jeff is an energetic and highly knowledgeable speaker. We hope to see you
this Tuesday.


*Ann Pultz Kramer, MS *
*annk at skagitaudubon.org <annk at skagitaudubon.org>*
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