[Alpine-info] O365 XOAUTH2 via fetchmail

Carlos E. R. robin.listas at telefonica.net
Wed Apr 27 14:41:00 PDT 2022

On 2022-04-27 21:21, Steve Litt wrote:

> Carlos E. R. said on Thu, 21 Apr 2022 14:56:11 +0200

>> On 2022-04-21 14:31, Carl Edquist wrote:

>>> On Thu, 21 Apr 2022, Carlos E. R. wrote:


>>> Yeah, while i find the idea of running a local mail server (like

>>> dovcot) kind of interesting (and in particular with things like

>>> indexed full-text search), i have kind of come full circle and, for

>>> the time being anyway, it strikes me that nothing beats the

>>> delightfully-retro simplicity of a mailbox just being a file on your

>>> filesystem.


> I would agree with the preceding except for one thing: All email

> clients suck, and you never know when you're going to have to change

> email clients. Different email clients use different kinds of files

> (maildir, mh, and the various variants of mbox), so changing email

> clients becomes a big todo. With my email safely stored in Dovecot, I

> can use any email client that can access IMAP. I'm thinking of

> switching to Alpine.

Both Alpine and Thunderbird use the same mbox format, actually they can
share the same file (better not at the same time).

With a caveat: if the mbox file is, for example, "thisname" thundebird
also needs "thisname.msf", which can be created empty. If it is a
directory, it has to be named "thisname.bsd" (compatible with having the
files "thisname" and "thisname.msf".

This can be done by having Alpine looking at directory "~/Mail", and
inside having symlinks to ~/.thunderbird/somewhere/thisname" (or the
other way round), which becomes quite complicated to maintain once you
have a dozen folders.

I did this for several years.

In the end, using a local imap server is way simpler ;-)

However, as my dovecot uses mbox files, I can look at the mail store
directly, with Alpine, bypassing dovecot, which has allowed me to repair


>>> Mail gets delivered by fetchmail (or whatever) to

>>> /var/mail/$USER; you read and compose mail in alpine; and alpine (or

>>> your scripts) send it via sendmail.



>> Yes, that is (was) my setup. fetchmail + spamassassin + amavis +

>> clamav

>> + procmail delivering to mbox folders.


>> Then at some point I added dovecot (because the imap package from Mark

>> Crispin became unavailable on openSUSE). Dovecot simply uses the

>> existing mbox files and serves them over imap. I can still use

>> fetchmail (and I did for many months), or move email between imap

>> servers using alpine, imapsync, thunderbird, whatever.


> This is another benefit of a local IMAP server.


>> This actually simplified my setup, in which I can access my local

>> folders both in Alpine and Thunderbird (this email is being composed

>> in the later). It can be done without a local imap server, but that

>> has its own complications (thunderbird does not see a plain mbox file

>> till you add empty indexes).


>> What I don't have currently is dovecot search.


> I wonder if this would work for you:

> https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Tools/Doveadm/SearchQuery

I'll have a look, thanks.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 15.3 x86_64 at Telcontar)
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