[Alpine-info] Can Alpine render CR+LF as one newline rather than two?

Brad Chamberlain bradcray at hpe.com
Wed Jan 11 22:05:47 PST 2023

Hi Alpine Experts —

Something I've noticed for the past year or two is that mails sent to me by
Discourse forums end up looking "double-spaced" in alpine, which makes them
slightly excruciating to read, particularly when code is involved. While
looking into why this might be yesterday, I believe I've determined that they
are being formatted with (DOS-style?) CR+LF as the EOL terminator rather than
just LF, and I'm guessing that alpine renders this combination as two newlines
rather than one?

I've started a line of inquiry as to whether Discourse can be reconfigured to
just format the text version of the mail with LF, but in the meantime wanted to
also see whether there's any way to request alpine to format the text version
of en email such that carriage returns don't get their own linefeed (or so that
CR+LF only results in a single linefeed). Any tips? I didn't see anything in
the config menu that looked right.


PS – Ironically, if I point alpine to the html version of the message, it
renders much more nicely...but I'd prefer to stick with the text version given
the choice...

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