[Alpine-info] Thank goodness for alpine and this community!

Brad Chamberlain bradcray at hpe.com
Tue May 16 18:09:55 PDT 2023

This is a virtually content-free message other than to thank and recognize
those who continue to develop and support alpine, as well as this
community for continuing to show interest in it.

Every time I fear I've lost my ability to use alpine due to a system
configuration change, I go into a mild panic. This time around, it
involved using Outlook for nearly a week while I tried to determine what
paths forward I might have that wouldn't violate new security protocols
and configurations. Each time I think "Tons of people use Outlook, it
can't really be that bad can I?" and then run away screaming at how much
less effective I am when I can't do everything from the command-line.
Happily, I managed to get things working again, and am back to being
productive in my inbox again.

So thanks everyone! (and particularly Eduardo Chappa from whom I've
personally received the most support over the past few years!)

Best wishes,

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