[Tweeters] Good migration on Larch Mountain, Clark County this morning

Jim Danzenbaker jdanzenbaker at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 18:50:10 PDT 2023

Hi Tweeters,

Given how delayed all the neotropical migrants seem to be this year and the
shocking forecast of sunshine up in the mountains and a strong east north
east gusty wind, I ventured up to Larch Mountain (east of Hockinson in
Clark County) to see if I could witness any visible migration.

I did.

Over about 4.5 hours in several different locations, I had the following

Calliope Hummingbird - 2. One adult male and the other one unknown
Western Kingbird - 1. My first Western Kingbird in Clark County in active
warbler/kinglet - a minimum of 750. 80% were Yellow-rumped, about 8% each
for Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Orange-crowned Warbler, and some Townsend's
Warblers and 3 Nashville Warblers.
Townsend's Solitaire - 1
Sooty Grouse - 1 wandering around on the road at the yellow gate below the
Thrillium Mountain Bike Trailhead
Evening Grosbeak - about 20
Western Bluebird - 4

The bird that got away was a probable flyby MacGillivray's Warbler. I've
never seen this species in active migration.

Here are three ebird lists so you can "see" the locations:


Keep your eyes and ears skyward!

Jim Danzenbaker
Battle Ground, WA
jdanzenbaker at gmail.com
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