[Tweeters] Cedar Waxwings and the ACFL

jimbetz at jimbetz.com jimbetz at jimbetz.com
Thu Jul 13 13:58:40 PDT 2023


We've recently added frequent, repeated visits to our yard in Burlington.
The Cedar Waxwings have not replaced the Grosbeaks, only added to them.
Still seeing lots of Goldfinches, House Finches, Purple Finches, and
Mourning Doves. We get at least one Flicker every day - often two or
three at a time. The Waxwings have been showing up 3 and 4 at a time.
I should also mention the Robins, Towhees, White-Crowneds, Juncos, and
Today I caught the relatively infrequent visit of a Collared Dove. Very
impressive and noticeably large bird.
We are starting to see Bald Eagles 'almost every day' - mostly just have
to take the time to stand and wait for them to show up. Usually one or
two at a time. The TUVUs that were here every day a month or so ago are
less frequent now. And yes, we see crows and swallows - often.

I'm attributing these 'new' visitors to our addition of a bubbling fountain.
It turns out the bubbler is as much a draw as the seed and nectar feeders
and the suet as well.


Thanks to those who responded about the Anacortes hiking trails. I'm
looking forward to getting out on them and seeing the areas I used to
explore in - and play in - when growing up in the 50's.
- Jim

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