[Tweeters] House Sparrows

Odette B. James o.b.james at verizon.net
Thu Jul 13 15:03:43 PDT 2023

To all of you who are lamenting the decrease in House Sparrows - please,
please come and take some of mine! I live in a retirement community at the
south end of Lake Washington, where the only thing between my apartment and
the lake is a trailer-park building and a tiny pocket park. The bushes
between my building and the lake are home to a colony of House Sparrows, and
they had a good breeding season. There now is a big flock, circulating
frequently between the bushes and the patio of a woman on the floor above me
who puts out seed for them. I get pretty tired of picking up my field
glasses to look at a small bird moving in the bushes and finding - just
another House Sparrow.

Good birding

Odette James

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