[Tweeters] Southwest Washington Birding July 25th-26th

Tim Brennan tsbrennan at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 30 08:10:49 PDT 2023

Heya Tweets!

I made it down for a 24 swing through the Southwest corner of the state, birding a bit in Cowlitz, Clark, and Wahkiakum Counties.

I was able to meet Russ Koppendrayer North of Kalama to try Meeker Pond for shorebirds. It was far from bustling, but we had a few Greater Yellowlegs, a Long-billed Dowitcher, and a Least Sandpiper during the stay. We also pulled a Cinnamon Teal out of the many ducks using the ponds. After a stop at the Kalama River Mouth, I also had a Green Heron flyover as I was driving back to I-5.

The evening highlights included Common Nighthawks and Barred Owls along Elochoman Valley Road in Wahkiakum County, with the nighthawk putting my life-list for Wahkiakum over 150. 🙂 . I feel like I'd driven to the end of this road in the past, but that is no longer possible without a private recreation pass (or without risk of prosecution/fines!)

On the 26th, I birded the River S unit at Ridgefield, and picked up quite a few new year birds for Clark County, including Purple Martin, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Western Wood Pewee, Blue-winged Teal, Redhead, Virginia Rail, and Sora.

I met Randy Hill for a quick stop at Shillapoo Lake. We were looking for American Bittern, but found a Green Heron, as well as a Yellow-headed Blackbird, and at least two female Redheads. Shorebirds included Greater Yellowlegs, Long-billed Dowitcher, and Least Sandpipers.

It was a fun trip down, and a bit overdue! I've had a goal this year of finding 150 species in these three counties, as well as Skamania. The present year totals: Cowlitz (147), Wahkiakum (139), Clark (137), and Skamania (129). It should still be in reach, but challenging!

The first half of this trip has been uploaded to my blog: https://southwestwashingtonbirding.blogspot.com/2023/07/july-25-spotty-bit-of-cleanup.html
July 25 - A Spotty Bit of Cleanup<https://southwestwashingtonbirding.blogspot.com/2023/07/july-25-spotty-bit-of-cleanup.html>
So June. . . I've made a habit of skipping out on June, it would seem! I had some great trips in May, and then got 1) busy with work 2) b...

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