[Tweeters] What Is American Birding?

Carmelo Quetell melocq22 at msn.com
Thu May 25 09:01:26 PDT 2023

Hey All,

I've been sitting with these thoughts<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carmeloquetell_what-is-american-birding-activity-7067352630460571649-3P2N?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop> for over three years, and I think I've found my finest words on the matter. Given that today is the three-year anniversary of events that led me to realize this runs much deeper than I had originally thought, I wanted to take a moment to share them with you all. A couple requests:
Carmelo Quetell on LinkedIn: What Is American Birding?<https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carmeloquetell_what-is-american-birding-activity-7067352630460571649-3P2N?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop>
On this day, three years ago, white supremacy in the United States of America would rear its ugly head, yet again, in two separate incidents. These incidents…

1. If this resonates with you, please share this file as far and wide as you can. I share it with anyone in the hopes of generating positive change. Share it on whatever social media platform you see fit (LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Tag people and organizations you feel could benefit from seeing it. Ask questions. Do your dirt time with it.
2. If these words activate negative feelings and emotions in you, ask questions and do your dirt time with them. Ask where those feelings and emotions come from. Feel them in your body. Ask yourself what it is you're grateful for, and what it is you're wanting to protect.

May we all move this story forward, as far as we can, with the little bit of geologic time we have in this life.

With Love & Gratitude,
Carmelo Quetell

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