[Tweeters] "smooth back makes it a Fox Sparrow" fails us as Red Taiga pays a visit

Ed Newbold ednewbold1 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 2 21:11:53 PDT 2023

Hi all,
Delia and I were befuddled by a Sparrow at Butyl Creek today. We both were operating under the useful-yet-completely-misleading mantra "smooth back makes it a Fox Sparrow," but this bird had ornate reddish stripes down its back. I apologize for the photos which were through glass and taken by a mediocre photographer (who me? what are you talking about?), but this bird is gorgeous and the warm reds and whites on it really pop.
A Taiga of the Red complex I understand. Delia and I don't think we've ever seen them before, Brian Pendleton remembered them well--from NewFoundland!
Ed Newbold (and Delia Scholes) residential Beacon Hil ednewbold1 at yahoo.com

Here are the shots:

Ed Newbold | “Red Taiga” visits the creek
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