[Tweeters] mystery bird by Mt Rainier

Elaine Thomas ethomas at salud.unm.edu
Sun Oct 8 12:19:56 PDT 2023

Hiking Burroughs trail by Sunrise yesterday afternoon, I was watching several ravens and a red-tailed hawk high over the bare hills when I got a frustratingly brief look at a bird joining them - soaring, lazily chased by ravens, made a twisty dodging maneuver and disappeared from my binoc view. Quite pale (I saw all underside, maybe a bit of upper wing), but not bright white, maybe cream/beige, slender build, smaller than the redtail, maybe smaller than the ravens. It made me think of something like a prairie falcon, but I didn't see any dark markings. Any guesses? Thanks!
Elaine Thomas
West Seattle
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