[Tweeters] Swarovski bird-identifying binocs

Odette B. James o.b.james at verizon.net
Tue Jan 30 11:09:39 PST 2024

A friend sent me a short article describing the new, very expensive, binocs
that use AI to identify birds and mammals. In the article there was a short
video advertising the binocs and supposedly showing how wonderful they are.
The video showed the binocs misidentifying a squirrel. The pictured
squirrel is identified as a Western Gray but probably is a Douglas' Squirrel
or perhaps an Eastern Fox Squirrel (introduced to the west and now very
common in CA), but no way is it a Western Gray. Anyone who spends a fortune
on those binocs had better be prepared to check every ID in a field guide.
Amusing that the advertising for the binocs so clearly demonstrates their

Odette James

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