[Tweeters] 116th/Snohomish PUD area question

Mark Walton via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 10 12:19:18 PDT 2025

I think the reference to a dam in the 116th area is probably the Henry
Jackson Powerhouse. If you follow 116th past the gravel pit PUD land area,
it will eventually curve to the left and run into a group of buildings.
That's the dam area. That said, I've birded that area a lot and I don't
know of anything special about that particular spot. I've heard Northern
Pygmy Owls from the gravel pit area a number of times but I've never seen
one there. I have seen one from the large clearcut on Kellogg Lake Road.
That one was just moving from perch to perch in the clearcut. I've also
heard them a number of times from the first large clear-cut on Sultan Basin
Road. I most often hear them in the mornings, after dawn.

So if you want to see one, it might be worth getting to one of the clearcut
areas at dawn (or near dusk) and bringing a spotting scope. Then scan the
area. They're really small birds, so they are easily missed. I've heard
them many times but I've only seen them twice. This might be one of those
things where persistence is valuable.

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