[Tweeters] NZ Birding Tour

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Mar 11 12:28:40 PDT 2025


  We are back from New Zealand and we loved it.  And we learned from it
- this

tour was - for us - way too focused on 'yet another species' rather than

focus we both wanted ... 'long, close looks at the birds' (birding
photography is my

thing).  Also the pace of this tour can only be described as
"relentless" ... up

by 6 or even earlier, breakfast of granola and yogurt and tea in the room,

leaving (bags packed and in the van) no later than 7:30 and sometimes

birding (with stops and breaks) until about 5, check in to new rooms (moved

almost every day), dinner from 7 until 8:30-9, fall into bed ... rinse
and repeat.

   Lesson learned.  Here's a link to my pictures - these are best
viewed on "the

largest screen you have" and are less than satisfying on a phone or tablet.



                         - Jim in Skagit County

P.S. I've been having trouble with my email not enabling the entire
link.  If you get a

"page not found" message ... just add a dash ("-") to the end and try again.

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